Living as a Veggie in China // Top 6 Vegetarian Street Foods
Worried about being a vegetarian in China? Don't be, China is the giver of some of the best vegetarian street food there is. Check out…
Chinese Movies Online - LTL's Top 10 Chinese Streaming Sites
Find all the Chinese Movies Online and Chinese TV Shows you'll ever need with Chinese Netflix and Chinese YouTube sites with LTL's list of Chinese…
Chinese Beauty Standards vs The West | How Different Are They?
How big are the differences between Chinese beauty standards and those of the West? You'll be amazed at some of the challenges that happen on…
Traditional Chinese Clothing 🤩 Four You Need To Know
Chinese culture is more than 5,000 years old and because of that, traditional Chinese clothing has an interesting history. Discover the best ones here.
Chinese Names 🤩 A Simple and Easy Guide to Understanding Names in China
Follow our guide to Chinese names to discover the most popular names in China (for boys and girls). Ever wanted your own Chinese name? We…
10 Must Try Shanghainese Foods 🍜 Your Complete Guide
Chinese food is so diverse that it's really difficult to say what's best, so we've diluted it down. Here are the top 10 best Shanghainese…
Chinese Currency || Discover The RMB / CNY
Chinese Currency 💰 LTL’s Guide to Chinese Money What is the Chinese Currency and how do you talk about it in Chinese? And what are…
Living in Hangzhou || Honest Impressions of a Chinese Enthusiast
杭州 is widely regarded as the most beautiful city in China. Today we’ll share a first-hand experience of what it's like living in Hangzhou.
Handling the Heat: What Causes Asian Flush and How to Prevent It?
Our Complete Guide to Asian Flush, aka the Asian Glow Thanks to our student Hannah Li for this wonderful insight into the infamous Asian Flush…
Chinese Sauces - The Complete Guide to Sauces, Condiments and More
Have you ever found yourself staring at all the Chinese sauces in a Chinese or Asian grocery store wondering what on earth they all are?…
Michelle Yeoh: 10 Greatest Movies RANKED
We Ranked the Top 10 Michelle Yeoh Movies So You Don’t Have To Superstar, icon and as of March 2023, recipient of the award for…
Chinese Proverbs || 11 of our Favourites (with Bonus Proverb Quiz)
Chinese Proverbs (or Idioms) and sayings (谚语 yànyŭ in Chinese) are a great way to expand your Chinese vocabulary when you're learning mandarin.